Friday, June 14, 2024

Manele la Coldplay

    Voi menționa de la început că nu am fost niciodată fan Coldplay, îmi sunt indiferenți. Însă știu că sunt iubiți de mulți, după cum putem vedea și pe numărul de bilete sold out în timp record. Probabil dacă vreuna din trupele mele preferate făcea asta, eram dezamăgită...în acest caz, pe o sumă deloc neglijabilă.

    Cele întâmplate la concert....pardon, făcute (a fost o alegere, nu o întâmplare) m-au făcut să scriu aceste rânduri deoarece, deși nu am legătură nici cu trupa, nici cu invitatul, nici cu publicul în acest context, este o fracțiune destul de reprezentativă a ceea ce se întâmplă în ultimii ani în mod special. "Toleranța" asta exagerată care ni se bagă pe gât tot mai mult nu doar în societate, ci și în divertisment. Și, după cum bine știm, tot ce este forțat se va termina urât mai devreme sau mai târziu. Acest "urât" a fost reacția publicului, în cazul de față. Infiltrezi un gen controversat care are zero legătură cu concertul tău și muzica pentru care au plătit atâția oameni bilet, mulți și cazare, drum etc. și te aștepți să ce? Să își schimbe oamenii reacția naturală la ceva ce nu le place absolut deloc, pe lângă că se și simt păcăliți deoarece nu știau dinainte? Așa cum publicul nu are dreptul de a decide cum își face un artist show-ul, așa nu are nimeni dreptul să îi spună publicului cum să reacționeze când primește altceva decât cele promise, chiar și pentru câteva minute.

   Și, în mod foarte convenabil pentru cei obsedați de "corectitudinea pulitică", au scos din mânecă acea carte cu rasismul, care e mereu pregătită și abia așteaptă să o folosească cu orice ocazie. Asta, în ciuda faptului că în majoritatea comentariilor dezaprobatoare, se folosea cuvântul "manelist", nu "cetățean de etnie rromă" în diverse forme. Maneaua nu e o rasă, nici măcar etnie, deci genul muzical i-a deranjat pe majoritatea, nu etnia. Că au mai fost concerte amestecate și nu s-a gândit nimeni să huiduie artistul pe baza etniei că nu a cântat despre amanet, ci s-a reacționat foarte pozitiv la calitatea muzicii. Acum că manelele sunt cântate în mare parte de grupul acela de etnie, e partea a doua, dar tot nu poți numi pe cineva rasist doar pentru că tu ai dedus asta prin asocierea rromilor cu maneaua.

   Această etichetare cu rasismul e în trend, folosită cu mare ușurință în era woke ai tuturor celor care se cred activiști. Dacă tot vorbim de etnii și rase...știați că ești rasist și dacă atragi atenția, pe bună dreptate, asupra unui gest urât sau periculos al cuiva care se întâmplă să aparțină unui grup minoritar?Asta înseamnă că își permite orice, că tot tu ajungi ăla intolerant. E în trend și etichetarea cu n@zismul, dacă nu pupi în cur ceva ce nu îți place, dacă recunoști că nu te atrag persoanele trans, etc. Per total, dacă te saturi și reacționezi la ceva de care te împiedici la tot pasul și ți se tot bagă pe gât, fără să vrei, ești rasist, n@zist, de toate. Etichete mai exagerate decât o reacție sinceră al unui public la acea manea., exagerări tipice pentru când, în lipsă de argumente relevante, încerci cu disperare să tragi un pic de balanță în favoarea ta.

Da, a fost o alegere, nu o întâmplare...doar publicul plătitor nu prea a avut dreptul de a alege.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Do not:

    I have quite a lot of experience receiving both solicited and unsolicited advice, whether it was part of a research I was doing or just told people about different goals. I've learned that, no matter how convincing of a talker a person is, it is best if I follow these personal "guidelines".

Do not take financial advice from those who are not doing very well themselves. They tend to present lots of ideas and seem like they know what they're talking about, but they are really just in debt all the time. Also, do not accept financial advice from someone who is doing good simply because they received an inheritance. It is good to inherit goods, but if someone else worked to build what they have and they never did anything, maybe it would be best to wait until they've accomplished something before giving advice to those who are trying to make it from scratch.

Do not accept maternal or parenting advice from women who do not have kids of their own. A lot of times, lack of empathy can come even from fellow moms. Some with easier pregnancies, who forget that not all pregnancies are the same. Some, with maybe more difficult ones that think everyone should suffer if they did. But it is usually those who don't have kids who try to lecture future moms, while they have zero experience with the hormonal fluctuations that can come with a pregnancy and what it does, the pains that can affect pregnant women like pelvic girdle pain that makes each step hurt and you cannot even sit for long. Discomfort makes people grumpy, more unproductive, depressed etc. So if you cannot help them with a good word, leave them alone at least. And YES, I am the one who signed up for it, which means I am also the one responsible to go through it as best as I can, avoid risks and stress, even if that means standing up to people sometimes. And also, yes, that talk is not always gonna be calm, because of said discomfort. However, it does not matter; prioritize yourself and your child.

Do not accept fitness and nutrition advice from people who are not and maybe never were fit/as fit as you want to get. Especially if you are looking for long-term results. It either clearly doesn't work, or they never followed their own advice so they cannot know what works well. While, of course, most body types, organisms, lifestyles etc. differ from one person to another, I tend to gravitate towards people who are a good example of what they preach.

Do not let malicious lurkers affect your mood. This mainly happens on social media - the ones that never interact/react positively to ANYTHING you post, ever, regardless of whether it's music, a selfie, a random picture, a meme, an artwork, a thought. Nothing! Logically, you would think someone keeps you in their list because they like you, your posts, feel like you have things in common. Not this species! They always only pop up to disagree with something, to criticize something or try to lecture you, pick an argument, be opinionated, etc. The weak character, even if, interestingly enough, you've always been cordial towards them. But yes, this says more about them than it does about you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The cartoon killer generation


So Pepe LePew is being cancelled due to "lack of consent" in the cartoon 😒. And so many other things are being cancelled because, while there are so many ways to interpret something, society will choose only one perspective and make it the general thing.
As a kid, what I understood from this move in cartoons was how cringy guys can be who don't understand you don't like them, and guys can easily get the same message from it and learn to not act desperate, right? Also, women can learn that playing "hard to get" makes you more wanted, which is true (even if it's wrong to play these games, haha).
It's considered a "bad influence", right? For kids/ guys.
Pepe LePew was an old cartoon, so I can tell you some things I observed as a kid, from back when we used to watch this cartoon, among others.
While growing up, half the guys in my class would grope girls during breaks. Now people only take this part into consideration and rush to explode already, but you know what was more fucked up? More than half of the girls in my class would happily allow it and were PROUD of it! They thought it was cool, so the kids thought if so many girls allow it, it's ok and the "abnormal" ones are that don't. And what these girls would watch daily was teen series and mainstream pop music videos, in which we all know that the "cool guys" were always surrounded by slutty women and the "pop divas" were more than half naked and sold their shitty music through sex-appeal. That was clearly what the girls were inspired by, and they were always calling the rest of us out, making fun for not allowing the same things and "not having a boyfriend or more yet" at 14.
So, I have to ask myself, was Pepe LePew the bad influence on guys, or the girls that acted slutty and made fun of the others for not doing the same, making the guys think their behavior should be the standard?
(If you can't understand this and think I am "victim shaming" or whatever, get out of here because my patience is running low. The facts are simply that not everything is black and white and we are just polishing the surface by censoring what is convenient.)

Saturday, June 30, 2018


Some people feed on your pain as much as you feed on your own pain. Everything is a transaction when you can get what you want and offer them what they want. It's a predictable but necessary cycle of pretending to give what they think you want so that they can take it away, and then you do your part and give some suffering in return.
Get well into the role you chose, milk it and move forward. However, one of the most important factors is to fuel their power trip by letting them believe they chose this role for you. You can also let yourself believe that, as it feeds your submission, after all. You both know what is going on, but you play the part as well as you can, to make it feel real. Play the affection and suffering down to the tiniest detail. Disguise your hints and dangle them in front of your "opponent". That amplifies the feeling of momentary control over the game. You both live with the impression that, by giving these hints, you have shown the other what to expect and they are still clueless. But if you don't play dumb here and there, you end it all too soon, and we like to push things and see where we end up. 
Your brain will rot if you don't get out of that comfort zone.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

We used to be whole. We used to smile with glittering eyes at the future and travel forward on our mundane timeline, one day at a time, one second at a time. We never thought we'd have to separate.
We had to part ways...and now I feel empty of anything that once was. She tries to save what's left by pulling on my hands, my sleeves and my melancholy.

"Don't become an automaton, don't become like all the rest, please don't leave me!"
"Haven't you noticed, child, that there is nothing for us here?"
"We agreed we would make all of our daydreams come true. That we will remain together as one, remember?"
"Can't you see that is impossible? Can't you see that everything we crave is illusory? And I have to remember this every second, as long as you don't let go of me. Don't tease me with past affections and hopes long forgotten."

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

People suffer, they hurt themselves...people take their own lives. People die.
The most perfect time for their so-called closest ones to start victimizing themselves - honoring their dead by almost taking even this post-mortem spotlight, making the event about them. They make collages of joyful pics together with their newly-defunct, throw in the "they were always smiling, would have never expected this..." crap.
Why were they jolly around you? Maybe because they were fuckin' smart enough to know the sad reality: we are only wanted around when we are fun and seemingly have the power to entertain. When we need to spill our soul out from down under in the dumps, people run like rats.
So we smile to our loved ones on our way over the edge.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

What a beautiful morning.
Waking up with a cuddly cat's nose in your neck, sunshine filtering through the autumn leaves, peace and quiet all around.
Then you open the window and it smells like death again.